Personal Injury Lawyers
Proudly Serving Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.
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DMV Bicycle Fatality Surge Highlights Safety Concerns

Injured cyclists and their families need to know their legal rights. Despite efforts to the contrary by our local governments and safety advocates, bicycle fatalities in the Washington D.C. area have exploded over the last decade. The data from the Metropolitan Council of Governments for the last several years shows that even with a reduction...

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Motorcycle Accident Injuries Can Be Severe & Debilitating

Drivers need to share the road and watch out for motorcyclists. Motorcycles only make up a small percentage of registered vehicles in the U.S., but they are involved in many more fatal accidents per capita. Nationwide, about 3 percent of registered vehicles are motorcycles, but riders are involved in 14 percent of traffic fatalities. Motorcycle...

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Broken Glass Injuries: A Common Hazard in Car Accidents

Broken glass injuries can range from minor cuts and scrapes to severe lacerations and even blindness Some of the most common and severe injuries resulting from car accidents are broken glass injuries. These types of injuries may require immediate medical attention, which may include emergency surgeries or other life-saving procedures. While prioritizing your health is...

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What Enhanced Underinsured Motorist (EUIM) Coverage Means in Maryland

When you're involved in a car accident, a key factor in determining the amount of compensation you receive is the amount of available insurance coverage. However, you have no control over the amount of insurance that another driver carries. That's where uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) insurance come in.  They are coverages that you may add...

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NHTSA Report: U.S. Traffic Deaths Still High Despite Small Decrease

Negligent drivers continue to cause fatal car accidents on our nation's roads. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's latest projections on traffic fatalities in 2022 show that 31,785 people died in car accidents in the first nine months of the year, a decrease of 0.2% compared to the previous year. The numbers show that despite...

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D.C. Bans ‘Right on Red’ To Prevent Accidents With Pedestrians and Cyclists

Intersections are a frequent site of serious and fatal collisions. The City Council for Washington, D.C., recently voted to ban right on red turns for motorists but will continue to allow cyclists to continue through intersections without stopping if the intersection is clear, according to a DC'ist and WAMU news story about the proposal aimed...

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How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Use Technology To Make Your Case More Effective in the Courtroom

Technology can help present information to a jury in a clear and compelling way. If you file a personal injury lawsuit seeking damages (the legal term for financial compensation), you and your attorney may need to go to civil court to present your case for compensation. This process is called a trial, and your case...

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Can You Get An Accident Report Changed?

  You were in a car accident, and the police were called. After ensuring everyone was safe, they conducted an initial investigation and completed an accident report. This report contains information such as the date and time of the crash, the names and contact information of everyone involved, a description of the accident, and whether...

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